About Rooftop Tents

What are Rooftop Tents?
The name Rooftop Tent can be a little misleading. While Rooftop Tents (we’ll refer to them as RTT’s moving forward) can mount to your roof, they can also mount to a bed rack or bed bars. When it’s all said and done, the inside of an RTT is the same as a normal tent, but it also includes an added structural foundation (usually a base made of aluminum), as well as a built-in mattress. The base of the RTT rests on your bed rack, bed bars, or roof rack. Picture your normal tent that is gathering cobwebs in the basement, then add your next door neighbors kids erector set to the bottom, and you’ve got an RTT! So no Mom, you won’t fall through the bottom!
Why do you need an RTT?
Well if you’re into outdoor adventure, camping and/or overlanding, it’s a must. Why not spend the night tucked comfortably away in an insulated, waterproof system that only takes a few minutes to open or close? It’s a pure gold moment when your buddy watches you make camp in 14 seconds, while he’s pounding away on the stakes!